Orenji Premium VC Juice

Main ingredients

Orenji Premium VC Juice (premix citrus juice powder with prebiotic & psyllium husk fiber drink) is made up of citrus juice powder, maltodextrin, inulin, psyllium husk powder, citric acid and permitted flavouring.

To elaborate on some of the ingredients further:

Citrus fruits are good sources of dietary fibre, pectin, citric acid, vitamin A, vitamin B complex, antioxidant, thiamine, flavonoid, polyphonic, carotenoids etc.

Benefits of dietary fibre include normalising bowel movement, preventing constipation & reducing cholesterol and triglyceride level. In addition, fibre also helps to prevent colon cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Vitamin C boosts the immune system. It also has anti-aging & antioxidant properties. Besides, it helps with collagen synthesis, hence preventing skin pigmentation in the form of  freckles/ melasma/ age spots etc.

Psyllium husk powder  acts as a gentle and bulk forming laxative, thereby softening and increasing the water content of stool to promote bowel movement.

Inulin is a dietary fibre which is effective in regulating/ reducing blood lipids & blood glucose level. It also promotes mineral absorption and functiona as a prebiotic by stimulating the growth of beneficial bacterial in intestine (e.g. Bifidobacterium longum).

Citric acid is a natural laxative that is present in lemon. It fights the toxins in your digestive track, brightens the skin, improves uneven skin tone, prevents wrinkles and helps balance skin pH.


Orenji Premium VC Juice 益生元纤维柑橘果汁粉的主要成分是柑橘汁粉、麦芽糖精、菊粉、洋车前子壳粉和柠檬酸。含有特许使用香精。

柑橘含有丰富的膳食纤维、果胶、柠檬酸、维生素A, B族维生素、维生素C,抗氧化成分、钾、类黄酮、多酚、类胡萝卜素等多种化合物群。


维生素C提高机体的免疫力、抗老化、抗氧化剂、促进皮肤细胞合成胶原蛋白、美白皮肤、防止斑点 ,淡化色斑,强化皮肤等。





Mix 1 sachet with 150-200ml of room temperature water, shake well and consume immediately.

